“I was wondering if maybe you could do an article or list of foods you can store in the freezer? When using coupons to stockpile I often run into perishable things that I would buy many more of if I could figure out a way to extend their shelf life.”
Lucky for me, I have a friend who is a professional organizer and actually helps family plan meals ahead of time by effectively utilizing your freezer. So, I turned to her to see if she could better answer Jenn’s question.
To freeze or not to freeze? That is the question or perhaps the dilemma you might face when considering whether to take advantage of that great couponing deal you’ve come across. No need to fear. Use the following guidelines and tips to do what you do best- stock up and save!
Many things freeze well, so it may be most helpful to start with those that don’t. The following items break down, separate or experience a change in texture when frozen.
Don’t freeze the following foods:
Never freeze raw vegetables that have high water content. These include lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, and celery. They will get nasty and mushy in your freezer (and the last thing you need to be doing is cleaning out your freezer when you don’t have to and wasting needed space).
According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), you can freeze fresh eggs for up to one year. When you’re ready to use frozen eggs, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator or under running cold water. Use egg yolks or whole eggs immediately after they’re thawed.
However, don’t waste your time freezing cooked egg whites or hard-cooked eggs.
You will want to skip out on freezing raw or boiled potatoes. The texture turns mealy, watery, and in some extreme cases, may turn black.
Don’t bother freezing soft cheeses like cottage cheese, ricotta and feta (unless they are part of a prepared recipe that is made ahead and then frozen).
Sour cream or mayonnaise (unless they’re mixed into a sauce) is another not-freezer friendly food.
Surprisingly, cake icings made with egg whites, cream fillings, or soft frostings do not hold up well in the freezer.
In the pie world, custard or cream filled pies are not made for the freezer.
Fried foods are not freezer friendly.
*from the book, Frozen Assets by Deborah Taylor-Hough
Now that we’ve discussed what foods you shouldn’t waste your time freezing, here is a list of foods that freeze well. You’ll be able to stock-up and start saving money.
- Cooked pasta
- Cooked rice
- Ice cream
- Nuts
- Flour – you can use it directly from the freezer
- Fruit cake
- Cookies
- Butter
- Grated cheese
- Bananas, peeled
- Pizza
- Uncooked pizza dough
- Bread, in slices, as loaves or breadcrumbs
- Herbs
- Meat, both raw and cooked
Other Online Resources
Real Simple has two resources that I use for quick reference when planning my meals and shopping trips.
How Long Will Food Last in the Freezer? has a general list of common items with recommended freezer time frames.
The Ultimate Food-Storage Guide is a detailed handbook that includes specific foods and gives recommended lengths of storage time for the fridge, freezer and pantry.
Product FAQ Page
For a name-brand product that I’m interested in freezing, a search on its home page under FAQs often produces an answer as well. If you don’t see the answer you’re looking for, use the company’s contact page to ask your food preservation question and wait for a response.
Plus, if you contact them commenting on their product – they just might send you a coupon!
Freezing perishable foods is one of the best ways to preserve them, and in many cases, the easiest way, too.
What are some of your favorite foods to stockpile and freeze? Do you have any favorite foods you can freeze? How about a FREE Make Ahead Freezer Meal Plan just for you!!?? Just sign up below and it will come in your inbox!
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Laila Husin says
Great post! This is very useful as most of the times I don’t know which food items I SHOULD freeze. Thanks for sharing.
Robin B. says
Thanks, Laila! I’m so glad that you found it to be helpful! 🙂 Robin
Stacey Roberson says
This is a great resource! I’m always wondering whether something can be frozen. Now I have a general idea of what I can and can’t freeze.
Robin B. says
Glad that it’s helpful, Stacey! Thanks 🙂 Robin
Karen Hand says
I am fairly familiar with which food products I can and cannot freeze; however, I am confused as to the shelf life of various products. Thanks for the review.
Robin B. says
Hey, Karen! Did you check out the Ultimate Food Storage Guide link above? It has shelf life & storage guide recommendations for many pantry products, too. I often use that as a quick reference.
🙂 Robin
Debra Neiman says
Great list and very informative. Thanks!
Sharon Siqueiros says
I’m very glad to have found this post. I’m always wondering about freezing certain cheeses.
I freeze my tortillas since my husband buys the 30 or 40 count and we can’t use so many at once
Thanks again for informative post
Robin B. says
Yes, knowing about the cheeses has been a huge help to me, too, Sharon! How do you guys freeze the tortillas? We often buy the large pack, too. I usually prepare make-ahead breakfast wraps or burritos and freeze them, but never really considered freezing the tortillas all by themselves. Would love to know your method! Thanks for the great feedback! 🙂 Robin
laurie nykaza says
I had no idea that you could freeze containers to use for organization in the freezer it is a great idea. No more having things fall out on my feet. Thank you for the post on freeze time I’m never sure about it.
Robin B. says
Yes, using those containers really open up options! One of my favorite “tricks,” Laurie!
🙂 Robin
laurie nykaza says
That was a wonderful site you sent me to. Now I can get mine as organized as the one you you showed in the pictures. thanks you
Robin B. says
Thank you, Laurie! So glad you came by to visit me there 🙂 Would love to see a photo of your organized freezer when you get it done! Send one to me if you think of it 🙂
🙂 Robin
Deborah says
Useful – thanks!
Robin B. says
Thanks for letting me know! 🙂 Robin
Mihai Ioan Bizga says
A very helpful article. Thank you!
Robin B. says
You’re welcome! Thank you 🙂 Robin
Nick says
Gosh. How silly you need to be if not able to figure it out with a common sense:)
But thanks for the post. I guess it’s useful for someone.
Marion says
Actually chopped up and washed celery freezes and keeps very well in bags.